Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

~ Post-Rock & Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure

Welcome to Postrockerz, visitors!

~ Post-Rock & Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 1

Banyak yang bertanya Post Rock itu apa ? musiknya bagaimana ? ciri2nya ? dsb. Disini saya ingin mencoba menjelaskan secara singkat definisi, karakteristik, sejarah, dan perkembangan dari musik Post Rock.


Istilah Post Rock pertama kali di ciptakan oleh Simon Reynolds waktu dia review album'nya Bark Psychosis - Hex tahun 1994, yang pada waktu itu definisinya " Memainkan musik bukan rock dengan instrumen2 rock, dan lebih mengutamakan texture dan timbre daripada power chord" kenapa saya bilang "waktu itu"? karena Post Rock sekarang ini (modern) sudah berubah atau berinovasi dari definisi awalnya, bahkan bertolak belakang.

Generasi pertama :

Band2 seperti Tortoise, Bark Psychosis, Talk Talk, Cul de Sac, Slint, Flying Saucer merupakan band2 generasi pertama yang sesuai dengan apa yang didefinisikan Simon Reynolds, "Memainkan musik bukan rock dengan instrumen2 rock" dengan memasukkan unsur2 yg berbeda dari masing2 band, ada yang electronica, ambient, jazz, dll

Generasi kedua :

tahun 96 - 97, lahir sebuah band bernama Mogwai yang memainkan musik instrumental rock. Anehnya, Mogwai disebut band Post Rock juga. Yang kenyataannya musik mereka berbeda dari apa yang sudah didefinisikan oleh Simon Reynolds. Mogwai sendiri mengakui hal ini dan tidak suka dibilang post rock

"Aitchison isn’t all grins, however, when asked how he feels about the term post-rock. Mogwai has been lumped into this supposed genre of music by unimaginative music critics. “It’s kind of a stupid term, it doesn’t really make much sense. I don’t know, it seems really pretentious to me. A lot of the bands are described as being post rock. You get bands like Tortoise, we’re nothing like Tortoise, we’re completely different. So it’s a pretty vague term. It’s a pretty lazy term, lazy on the media’s front. They don’t really know what sort of music it is. If it’s not straight-ahead rock n’ roll, then it’s post rock. It’s a bit miserable, so we’ll call it post rock. It’s stupid." Sumber

Alas...walaupun begitu, Mogwai merupakan salah satu template untuk band2 Post Rock sekarang. Konsep Quite/Loud yang mereka pakai sudah menjadi formula/dasar dari musik2 Post Rock sekarang. Begitu juga dengan the legendary Godspeed You! Black Emperor, yang menetapkan formula Crescendo, Chamber music ke Post Rock modern.

Post Rock Re-invent :

jadi definisi Post Rock sudah berubah total dari sebelumnya, yang tidak ada rock menjadi ada, dan riff dan chord juga sering dipakai. Post Rock sekarang ini memakai formula Quiet/Loud, Build up Crescendo, dan jarang sekali memakai verse-chorus-verse, biasanya musiknya build up momentum yang diakhiri dengan klimaks.

Menariknya, Formula ini hanyalah sebagai dasar komposisi. sehingga banyak band2 baru yang mengintegrasikan unsur2 classical, jazz, electronica, math, metal, dll. Yang akhirnya Post Rock semakin diverse dan terbentuk sub2 genre didalamnya. Tetapi tetap menggunakan formula dasar. Dan Post Rock bukan berarti instrumental, banyak juga yg memakai vokal. Baik yang dijadikan suatu instrumen atau pure vokal

Ada delapan band yang menurut saya sebagai pondasi dan mengembangkan/meluaskan essensi dari Post Rock :

Mogwai :Quite/loud
Godspeed You! Black Emperor :Crescendo
A Silver Mt Zion :Cinematic
Do Make Say Think :Jazz
Explosions in The Sky :Twinkle Guitar
Mono (japan) :Texture Guitar
Sigur Ros :Ambient Soundscape
Rachel's :Classical

Dan beberapa band modern yang memasukkan unsur2 baru ke dalam Post Rock :

65Daysofstatic :Electronica, Math Rock
Samuel jackson Five :Jazz, Krautrock
Russian Circles :a blend between Post Rock and Post Metal
Destroyalldreamers :Shoegaze
Hammock :Ambient Drone

Dengan kata lain, post-rock itu bukan style sih tp basic, base, pondasi ato template juga bisa. Kalo murni, pure post rock sebenernya ga ada karena emang ga bisa diaplikasiin. kalo bikin musik pure post rock yg ada hambar, ngebosenin. Di post rock term yg dipake itu originality, tapi ini ga berhubungan ama jaman tortoise ama yg laen.

Tahun 1999 - 2003 :Ini tahun dimana post rock modern itu di definisiin, founding fathers'nya sebenernya dua band, Mogwai sama GY!BE. dua band ini yg bener" nge set post rock itu kyk gimana. abis itu baru muncul Mono, EITS, sigur ros juga dengan album () yg ngelengkapin post rock itu kyk gimana. sebenernya ditaun segitu masih ada band laen yg dah muncul misalnya tristeza, emery reel cuman ga terlalu signifikan effectnya. jadi semua band post rock yg ada sekarang ngambil essensi post rock dari band" yg gue sebutin diatas. makanya ada band yg ambil jalur eits ato jalur gy!be ato mogwai dsb. bisa dibilang band post rock yg "pure", "original" ya mereka" ini.

Tahun 2004 - 2008 :Tahun ini mulai pergerakan baru, band" baru dah berani ambil style yg berbeda, dah ngga ngikut ama yg taun sebelumnya tp basic post rock masih dipegang. contoh : 65 dos ngambil jalur electro glitch campur math rock. hammock yg bener" exploitasi ambient di post rocknya. ada juga yg nyampur eits ama mogwai kayak caspian, explorasi ke jazz, krautrock kyk samuel jackson five, blending post metal ama post rock di russian circle. ditaun ini udah makin berkembang lagi jalurnya. tp masih ada yg tetep setia ama "originality" jalur GY!BE bahkan dikembangin lagi kayak Yndi Halda, ascent of everest. ato "originality" jalur EiTS kayak followed by ghost.

Kuliah singkat bersama Prof. DR. Mory von Achilles

materi kuliah :Post-Classical

Spoilerfor Post-Classical:

~ Post-Rock & Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 2

Contact Info Postrockerz :

Post-Rock & Experimental Music Sampler :

rayculz's sampler | vol.01
rayculz's sampler | vol.02

Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure

~ Post-Rock & Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 3


Total sekitar 36-an DVD + 1 CD
Mayoritas dari arisan DVD "Brotherhood of The Traveling DVD"
yang telah di restore


ada tambahan : 2 DVD (rayculz #3 & rayculz #4) & 1 CD (Kill Your Idol Movie)

01.proses restore dan peralihan ke arisan chapter 3 (indra88 & rayculz) Wink
02.L3v shakehand
03.arsakura shakehand
07.Evangeline Wowcantikshakehandpresent
08.gatitoneku linux2
22.kingkungku Wowcantik
23.cewegamer Wowcantik
40.doni foundation
53. akfg

urutan/giliran sesuai dengan yg ada list Embarrassment

*Frown = batal/skip
* Wowcantik = cewe
* present = dvd
* shakehand: = sdh terima
* linux2 = giliran berikutnya

yg mo ikutan musti jawab kuisioner dulu Smilie tp sebelumnya harus ngepost '' saya mau ikutan arisan donk Malu'' harus seperti itu Big Grin

kuisionernya sbg brikut Smilie

Pertanyaannya :

01. Band Post-Rock yg pertama kali didengar apa ?
02. Tahu dan kenal Post-Rock darimana ?
03. Band Post-Rock favorit kamu apa ?
04. Album Post-Rock yang pertama kali dimiliki apa (download/CD) ?
05. Apa 3 track Post-Rock favorit kalian ?
06. Pernah nangis dengar Post-Rock, kalau iya waktu lagu apa ?
07. Pernah ngetrance dengar Post-Rock, kalau iya waktu lagu apa ?
08. Pernah nonton live konser band post-rock, kalau iya apa ?
09. Ikutan ngeband Post-Rock ?
10. Band post-rock yang paling ingin ditunggu-tunggu kehadirannya di Indonesia ?

oh ya yg merasa prh isi kuisioner trus pgn ikutan pm/vm ya, maap klo ada yg klewatan,PM or VM aja.. Smilie humas=hubungan mahos Genits jg seorang manusia biasa EmbarrassmentGenits


Quote:Original Posted By achilles â–º
- batas megang DVD gua kasih waktu 4 hari dimulai pas nerima, abis itu harus dikirim ke urutan berikutnya

why : biar ga pada nunggu lama, 4 hari gue rasa cukup'lah buat merkosa tu DVD

- setiap yg nerima DVD harus ngabarin kesini kalo DVD udah diterima

- urutan terakhir wajib ngirim balik ke merlin (nanda)

why : biar adil, semua'nya copy, semua'nya ngerip, semuanya ngirim.

- Tolong bertanggung jawab dijaga kondisi DVD buat archive, itu ngga gampang ngumpulin lagu² post rock ampe bergiga - giga. dulu susah buat nyari resource donlot

satu lagi wat yg dah nerima tolong diposting dimari (laporan maksudnya)Cool
ama difoto sekalian,WAJIB!! Cool
ntar bekas postingan bakal gw taro di list namanya, sebagai bukti aja prh nerima Smilie

CAP BIBIR jg kisssing

Pre-Order Official Postrockerz Tees [Kloter 3]

Quote:SESI ORDER: ON s/d Tgl 18 Februari 2012
Kuota: minimal 12pcsSmilie <--- 4 udh termasuk toe Malu

IDR 70.000
standart FJB lah Peace
harga dari vendornya IDR 45.000 Smilie

gk ada keuntungan dr hasil kaos ini yah, semuanya wat toe L A K I dan band2 gk L A K I laennya ntar.. Big Grin


Spoilerfor size chart:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 39

SESI PRODUKSI: ON / 2 mgg eksekusi

Estimasi jadi tgl awal maret lah Smilie
kita pake VINT8 lg nanti, sesuai sm kloter 1 Smilie

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 42

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 43

*kaos 30s

Order List:

toe L A K I Cool @yamayamawo XXL Big Grin @satoshiyamane XL Big Grin @MINO_TAKAAKI XL Big Grin @shumaibentoe XL Big Grin
5. Embarrassment
6. Embarrassment


Black: XXL Blue Guy Peace
7.hadvignet XXL Blue Guy Peace
8.EteRNalLyMisSed M
9.gloomygemma L Blue Guy Peace
10.korny MF M Blue Guy Peace
11.harryman XXL Blue Guy Peace
12.rollercoaster S (Female) Blue Guy Peace
13.murkinin L Blue Guy Peace
14.murtado M Blue Guy Peace
15.degrindo L Blue Guy Peace
16.deniesyach L (Diskon) Bookmark (S)
17.Ariezzo M Blue Guy Peace
18.dancedetrance XL
19.dancedetrance M ( Female)
20.laskarkeramas L (Diskon) Blue Guy Peace: Bookmark (S)
21.rehumanize XL (Diskon) Blue Guy Peace:
22.indra88 XL
23.indra88 M
24. indra88 M

Blue Guy Peace = Lunas
Cek PM (S) = Data Lengkap
Add Friend (S) = COD

Post-Rock & Experimental Music History

Part 1: Dibuat tahun 2005, musnah kena DDOS tahun 2008
Part 2 :Dibuat tahun 2008, musnah kena Archive tahun 2010
Part 3 :< klik disini >
Part 4 :< klik disini >

Kalau ditilik sejarahnya ... part ini adalah part ke 4Smilie
Quote:Part 1 dibuat tahun 2005 oleh @groundfloater (gitaris Marche La Void).

Judul aslinya adalah : ada yang suka dengan musik post-rock?
trus tret itu di rename menjadi : post rock & experimental music

FYI : Tret post rock & experimental music adalah trit teramai di sub-forum Music Review.

Part pertama musnah ketika kaskus kena serangan DDOS di tahun 2008, generasi2 awal postrockerz akhirnya membuat thread baru setelah kaskus pulih dari serangan itu. Dan dari situ lahirlah part 2 yg tak lain adalah thread pengungsian.

Part 2 dibuat tahun 2008 di bulan Juni oleh @fake plastic.

Judul aslinya adalah : Postrockerz in here ! (thread pengungsian)
tret itu di rename menjadi : Postrockerz in here | a beautiful experimental sound pada bulan April 2009. Dan memindahkan trit tersebut dari Music Review ke Root Music pada November 2009. Dari sinilah trit ini mulai ramai pengunjung.

Bulan Desember 2009 gw mengambil alih @fake plastic yg menjadi TS thread tersebut sebelumnya, dan beberapa waktu setelah itu dimulailah babak baru yaitu Brotherhood of The Travelling DVD dengan perubahan judul thread menjadi Postrockerz in here | brotherhood of the travelling DVD.

Di bulan maret 2010, thread tersebut resmi berjudul : ~ Post-Rock & Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling DVD

Namun di bulan April 2010 kaskus kena badai lagi yaitu badai archive, dimana thread yg ada diatas 10000 postingan akan masuk archive / hilang.

Bencana itu melahirkan part baru dari thread post-rock ... yaitu thread ini Cool

Part 3 dibuat tahun 2010 di bulan April oleh @rayculz.

dan berakhir di bulan April juga di tahun 2011 Wink
setahun dah umur thread part 3 Embarrassment

Part 4 dibuat tahun 2011 di bulan April oleh @rayculz.

Pada bulan April 2011, proses restore DVD di dalam arisan "Brotherhood of The Traveling DVD" dimulai dan berakhir sampai bulan November 2011. Cukup lama memang, itu juga dikarenakan karena kesibukan @rayculz di real life (sempat hiatus).

Tepat tanggal 15 November 2011, judul thread di rubah dari :

~ Post-Rock & Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling DVD

menjadi ...

~ Post-Rock & Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure

Itu disebabkan arisan chapter ketiga dimulai lagi setelah selesai dalam proses restore. Dan sekalian judul arisan-nya diganti menjadi "Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure". Mengapa diganti treasure? Karena itu adalah harta karun Smilie

Top 50 kaskus postrockerz team
~ part 3 ~

rayculz | 967
indra88 | 640
RadioInMyHead | 592
pergitamasya | 480
isnur | 471
rebius86 | 413
fakeisfuture | 323
agusmantoyib | 302
penjahatfashion | 301
superbad | 273

sabiqqool | 218
kornyMF | 213
achilles | 195
gatitoneku | 182
monyeu | 172
L3v | 169
uditos | 169
Juri.Landrew | 143
fake plastic | 141
Kid_A | 139

Dananginthesky | 132
Sev | 129
nayCHUPPY | 128
sickbaker | 117
titik.titik | 100
kero copy | 90
hadvignet | 80
lυffy88 | 78
jonas | 75
1334567 | 71

rajtjoelz | 66
iron3001 | 66
arsakura | 59
justian27 | 58
adniar | 51
supermanbatman | 51
luffy88 | 49
sonystrife | 49
schizophrenicz | 44
menan7jur | 43

Putri Kartika A | 41
rehumanize | 41
Benji Mozart | 40
titik.2 | 39
CHUPPYndut | 38
Ahistorical | 38
silentroar | 36
fantasica77 | 34
intermu | 32
dedeyoutube | 30

didapatkan dari postingan master suhu achilles bin mori disini :

Spoilerfor suhu berkata:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 74

Angkatan pra-SEJARAH

-. kid a (reza) ethereal, santai, gitar" twinkle
-. superbad (heri) upbeat, sedikit progressive
-. apakatalo (lando) melodic, sedikit" mathy
-. merlin (nanda) dia demen nih kalo gue sharing" yg tipe" post metal, doom
-. fakeplastic (rengga) ini demennya yg galau" berat
-. groundfloater (wahyu), rayculz (rory) kalo ni bedua mirip" ama gue, omnivora semuanya diembatBig Grin

Angkatan post-SEJARAH

-. monyeu ~> mirip Kid A, doyan ambient
-. nayCHUPPY ~> omnivora, semua diembat
-. indra88 ~> "agak" omnivora, tapi lebih suka yg soft
-. agusmantoyib ~> yang soft, dan lebih diutamakan yang berbau jepang dan icelandic

ada yg mau nambahinsiul:

~ Index ~
~ Post-Rock & Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure

Бронекот / Osoka – Split [2011]
...And Stars Collide - When Our Eyes First Met
Â…And The Earth Swarmed With Them - The Fading Voice Of The Old Era Speaks To Us, But Where Are The Ears Left To Hear It (EP) [2010]
36 - Cocoon / Saphron‎ (2011)
36 - Memories In Widescreen (2010)
48V - South II (2011)
65daysofstatic Discography
65daysofstatic - Heavy Sky (EP) (2010)
8mm Orchestra – One Small Step (2011)

A Dancing Beggar - Follow The Dark As If It Were Light (2011)
A Lily - Thunder Ate The Iron Tree (2011)
A Slow In Dance - Back To The Brightside (2011)
Administration Shock Him - 39:03 (2011)
Aidan Baker & Tim Hecker - Fantasma Parastasie
Aikichi Kuboyama - Conflict (2011)
Airplanes Over Johannesburg - There's Beauty In The Violence/There's Beauty In The Silence (2011)
Akira Kosemura - How My Heart Sings (2011)
Alcest - Le Secret (EP) (2011) Re-Issue
Álfheimr Discography
All Cretans Are Liars - All Cretans Are Liars (2011)
All Shall Be Well (And All Shall Be Well And All Manner Of Things Shall Be Well) - ROODBLAUW (2011)
All You've Seen - Mahali (2010)
Allright The Captain
Allstar Project, The - Into the Ivory Tower (2011)
Alva Noto + Ryuichi Sakamoto - summvs (2011)
aM BattoM - Borealis
Ambient Mixtape by penjahatfashion
American Dollar, The - Free Winter 2010 Compilation
Amiina - Puzzle [2010]
And So I Watch You From Afar - Gangs (2011)
Annapurna - I Am a Leaf (2011)
Appleseed Cast, The - Middle States‎ (EP) (2011)
Arctic Whisperings – óvænt lán (2011)|Other Link
Arms and Sleepers - Nostalgia For The Absolute (2011)
Arms and Sleepers - The Organ Hearts (2011)
aTelecine Discography
Atlantis - Mistress Of Ghosts (2011)
Audiocæneat! – Red Sessions (2011)
Aureole - Imaginary Truth [2010]
Avalon - Mountains Into Sand (2011)
Aylesbury Yacht Club - Sink Or Swim (2011)

Bark Psychosis Discography
Battle Of Britain Memorial - The Aftermath Of Your Bright Beings (2011)
Battles - Gloss Drop‎ (2011)
Behzad Mehrnoosh - Reverie (2011)
Belong – Common Era (2011)
Best Pessimist, The
Biggi Hilmars - Cinematic Songs‎ (2011)
Bombazine Black - Motion Picture (2010)
Bones Like Snowflakes - Second Star To The Right, Then Straight 'Till Morning (2011)
Bongripper - Sex Tape / Snuff Film (2011) & Bongripper - Hate Ashbury LP (2011)
boris - Live at the Shimokitazawa Shelter 2003 (VIDEO)
Boris with Merzbow – Klatter (2011)
Boris - Attention Please (2011) & Boris - Heavy Rocks (2011)
Braveyoung - We Are Lonely Animals (2011)
Brian Eno – Drums Between The Bells (2011)
Brother John - The Tiniest Bones, The Infinite Everything (EP) (2011)

Canyons of Static - Canyons of Static [2010]
Casilofi - Casilofi (2011)
Caspian Discography
Cassie - Something You Always Wanted To Hear [EP] (2011)
Chemtrail - Youth Obsessed Death Culture (2011)
Cicada - Over the Sea ,Under the Water EP (2010)
Cinématique - Life In An Infinite Loop (2011)
Circadian Eyes - Who We Were (2011)
CJ Boyd Sexxxtet, The Discography
Claro De Luna - Lo Que Ha Sido Y Lo Que Será (2011)
Clogs -The Creatures in the Garden of Lady Walton
Clouds As Oceans - Tides EP (2011)
Codes In The Clouds – As The Spirit Wanes (2011)
Conquering Light Of Flora And Fauna, The - The Hive (2009)
Consciousness Removal Project - The Last Season (2011)
Cosmonauts Day - Live Demos EP (2011)

Damascus - Salutations, Distant Satellite! (2011)
Damn Robot! - Hunang Skrímsli (2011)
Deadhorse - We Can Create Our Own World (2010)
Deafhaven - Roads To Judah (2011)
Deterior - Primitive Circuitry (2010)
Dirty Three Discography

-->#-D Part 2


~ Index ~
~ Post-Rock & Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure

Earth is a Man, The – The Earth is a Man (2011)
Earth Science - Flares [EP] (2011)
Echelon Effect, The - Seasons Part 1 (2011) (EP)
Echelon Effect, The - Seasons Part 2 (2011) (EP)
Efrim Manuel Menuck - Plays "High Gospel" (2011)
Eksi Ekso - Brown Shark, Red Lion (2011)
El Ten Eleven
Elizabeth Anka Vajagic
Eluvium – Static Nocturne (2010)
Eluvium – Leaves Eclipse the Light EP (2010)
Emphemetry - A Lullaby Hum For Tired Streets (2011)
En Plein Air - En Plein Air (2011)
Enemies Discography
Envy - Recitation (2010)
Epigram - Reverie [2010]
Esmerine – La Lechuza (2011)
EUS - Tras El Horizonte [2011]
Every Silver Lining Has A Cloud - Every Silver Lining Has A Cloud (2011)
Everything Is Made In China Discography
Ex Confusion - Small Reality (2011)
ex-math mixtape by penjahatfashion
Explosions In The Sky Discography
Explosions In The Sky - Take Care, Take Care, Take Care (2011)

Fang Island Discography
Files & Fires, The - For People Talk Lightly... (2011)
Final Days Society - Ours Is Not A Caravan Of Despair (2011)
Five Seconds To Leave - SoundScapeLandTracks‎ (2011)
Fjordne - Charles Rendition (2011)
Followed by Ghost Discography
Fragile - White Shadows (2010)
Furniture - They Made Me Out Of Dreams You've Forgotten (2011)

Gates - The Sun Will Rise And Lead Me Home (2011)
Gespenst - Brother
Gespenst - The Saint (2011)
Giants - Giants EP (2011) & Giants / Beware of Safety split 7" (2011)
God Is An Astronaut Discography
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Live at Arena, Vienna 25 Jan 2011 (MP3)
Good Weather for An Airstrike - Jigsaws (2011)
Goonies Never Say Die - No Words To Voice Our Hopes And Fears (2010)
GoodLuckWithTheBombs - From Inertia (2011)
Gregor Samsa Discography
Grails – Deep Politics (2011)
Grails Discography

Halo Of Pendor - Tour EP (2010)
Hammock - Longest Year [EP] (2010)
Hammock Discography
Hangedup Discography
Hawk Moon Records: Volume II (2011)
hélas,whale - We Left Our Chambers (2011)
Helios Discography
Her Name Is Calla - The Quiet Lamb [2010]
Heroin And Your Veins - Lovely Bone Structure (2011)
Hidden Orchestra – Night Walks (2010)
Holoscene / Tunturia Split (2010)
Hualun (花伦Wink - Asian River [2010]
Hummingbird – Our Fearful Symmetry (2010)

I Am David Sparkle - Swords [2010]
I Am Sonic Rain - Between Whales And Feverish Lights (2010)
I Will Kill Chita - Not A Dream (2011)
If These Trees Could Talk
Il Rumore del Fiore di Carta - LESSON 3/how to live without senses (2011)
In the Wake of Giants - The Joy, The Sorrow (2010)
Inspirative - Memories Come Rushing Up To Meet Me Now (2010)
Inverness - Fuegos Distantes
Inverness - Illuminaciones

Jardín De La Croix - Ocean Cosmonauts (2011)
Jasper TX - The Black Sun Transmissions (2011)
Jean Jean - Jean Jean EP (2010)
Jeniferever - Silesia (2011)
Jesu - Ascension (2011)
jesu - Christmas (EP) (2010)
Jóhann Jóhannsson - The Miners' Hymns (2011)
Jónsi - Go Out (2011)
Jónsi – Live At The Wiltern (2011)
Joy Wants Eternity

Kafka - Geografia (2011)
Kid Kinevil - Orange County EP (2011)
Kimika - Octobre (2010)
Kokomo - If Wolves (2011)
Komas Mida - Oh! Thee Glory Days of Ignorance (2011)
Kovlo – Hey Mom, where’s Timbuktu? (2011)
Kulara - Fragmental Remembrance, A Switch Of Resurrection And My Hearing Vanished
Kyte - Remix Works (2011)

-->E-K Part 2


~ Index ~
~ Post-Rock & Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure

L'elan Vital Discography
Labirinto Discography
Lambs Become Lions - Ghosts of A Fallen Soldier (2010)
Larsen – Cool Cruel Mouth (2011) & Larsen & Z'EV – In V.Tro (2011)
Last Lungs - Look At That Old Grizzly Bear (2010)
Lavinia - There Is Light Between Us (EP) (2010)
Library Tapes
Lights Out Asia Discography - Christmas Post-Rock [2006]
Little Space Donkey - Dreamer's Manifesto (2011)
Long Distance Calling - Long Distance Calling (2011)
Lounge Piranha
Low In The Sky - A Shared Rainbow (2011)
lowercase noises - Carry Us All Away [2010]
Lowercase Noises - Migratory Patterns (2011)
Lüüp - Meadow Rituals (2011)

M. Ostermeier - The Rules of Another Small World (2011)
Mamiffer - Mare Decendrii [2011]
Marsen​ Jules​ Trio - les fleurs variations
Massimo Liverani
Master Musician Of Bukkake – Totem Three – (Important, 2011)
Matthew Ryan & Hammock – Like New Year’s Day (single) (2011)
Maybeshewill Discography
Maybeshewill - I Was Here For a Moment, Then I Was Gone (2011)
Meniscus - War of Currents (2011)
Merzbow - Jigokuhen (2011)
Merzbow - Kamadhenu (2011)
Merzbow - Yaho-Niwa (2011)
Mike Armine - Verse (EP) (2010)
Mint Julep - Adorn EP (2011)
Mire, The Discography
Mogwai Discography|Special Moves/Other link
Mono Discography
Mono Discography
Moonlit Sailor - Colors In Stereo (2011)
Motek – Dragons (2010)
Mountaineering Club Orchestra, The - A Start On Such A Night Is Full Of Promise (2011)
mountaintops. - 98-99
Moving Mountains – Waves (2011)
Moving Mountains - Waves (2011) [iTunes Deluxe Edition Bonus Tracks]
Moving Mountains Discography
Mum Discography
My Education/Theta Naught - Sound Mass (2011)

Nadja & Galena – Konstruktion (2011)
Natural Snow Buildings - Chants Of Niflheim (2011)
Nevermind The Name - A Gaze into the Abyss (2011)
newbie panic syndrome - Welcome Home [2011]
Night - Maps (2011)
Ninaian - For A Little Cruise (2010)
Niño Koi - Alegorias - 2010
Nordkapp - Gran Tiempo (2011)
Not To Reason Why - The Book of Hours (2011)
Noveller - Glacial Glow (2011)|Other Album

Oakeater / Mamiffer (2011)
Ocoai - The Electric Hand
Oculesics - Never Odd or Even (2011)
Olan Mill - Pine (2010)
On Your Horizon - Home
Orange Crush - Afterglow (2011)
Our Ceasing Voice - The Resurrection EP (2010)
Out Of Sight - Silence Speaks The Words Unspoken (2011)

Pale Sketcher - Seventh Heaven EP [2011]
Panicsmile - A Girl Supernova (2010)|Other Album
Parhelion - Midnight Sun (2010)
Pattern Theory, The – The Pattern Theory (2011)
Peter Broderick - Music For Contemporary Dance (2010)
Pg. Lost Discography
Post Harbor - They Can't Hurt You If You Don't Believe In Them (2010)
pq - You'll Never Find Us Here (2010)
Pram Discography
Prawn - You Can Just Leave It All (2011)
Puffin on My Side - Lech-Lecha


Rhian Sheehan - Seven Tales of The North Wind (2011)
Riceboy Sleeps
Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles – Brick City Ghosts (2011)
Riding the Diplodoc – Dilettantes Like Lions (2011)
RiLF – Ferris Wheel (2010)
Robot - Welcoming to You [EP] (2010)
Russian Circles Discography
Ryan Teague - Causeway (2011)

-->L-R Part 2


~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 84~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 85

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 86~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 87

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 88~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 89

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 90~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 91

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 92

Brotherhood of The Traveling DVD

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 93
LOL Embarrassment


Spoilerfor dvd merlin:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 95

Spoilerfor dvd rayculz:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 96

Spoilerfor dvd acoxon:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 97

Spoilerfor dvd kero copy:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 98

Spoilerfor dvd R|i (shoegaze) + agusmantoyib:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 99

Spoilerfor dvd Kid A:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 100

Spoilerfor cd lyliphilia:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 101

Spoilerfor dvd isnur + indra88:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 102

Spoilerfor dvd kemses:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 103

Spoilerfor testimonial postrockerz:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 104
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~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 110
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 111
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 112
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~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 114
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~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 116
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 117

ahahha..macem2 aje Big Grin
pk poto,pk cap jempol,cap lunas,cap jempol kucing wkwkw.. Big Grin
yg pk lipstik kog cuma dikit ya Mad; curang nih gw doank Blue Guy Bata (L)

Spoilerfor DVD content:

DVD @merlin :

Spoilerfor Disc 1:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 122

Spoilerfor Disc 2:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 123

Spoilerfor Disc 3:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 124

Spoilerfor Disc 4:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 125

Spoilerfor Disc 5:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 126

Spoilerfor Disc 6:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 127

Spoilerfor Disc 7:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 128

Spoilerfor Disc 8:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 129

Spoilerfor Disc 9:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 130

Spoilerfor Disc 10:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 131

Spoilerfor Disc 11:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 132

Spoilerfor Disc 12:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 133

Spoilerfor Disc 13:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 134

isi DVD kero copy di mari

isi DVD coxon di mari

isi DVD rayculz di mari


DVD tambahan :

*DVD R|i & agusmantoyib di mari

*DVD kero copy part 2 di mari

*DVD Kid A di mari

*CD lilyphia: 3 CD Movie

*DVD Isnur: 1 DVD video2 postrock

*DVD indra88: 1 DVD vidz + mp3

*DVD kemses: 1 DVD Movie


Quote:1.rayculz army: shakehand
3.indra88 CoolshakehandpresentBig Grin
4.sickbaker shakehand
5.pergitamasya shakehand
6.Korny MF shakehand
7.silentroar shakehand
8.fake plastic shakehand
10.pein666 shakehand
11.agusmantoyib shakehand
12.R|i {Jakarta}shakehand
13.mystratbawls shakehand
14.acoxon shakehand
15.radiofeeder shakehand
16.Omote Wowcantikshakehand
17.coldkoi shakehand
18.rewatched Wowcantikshakehand
19.nintenFLux shakehand
20.sabiqqool shakehand
22.kero copy shakehand
23.Kid_A shakehand
24.ilovemubs shakehand
26.Dananginthesky shakehand
28.j-bond shakehand
29.uditos shakehand
31.koponx shakehand
32. lilyphilia Wowcantikshakehand
33. headbangers shakehand
35.Benji Mozart shakehand
37.RadioInMyHead shakehand
39.tomoyorke shakehand
40.adamsin shakehand
41.superjare shakehand
44.kemses shakehand
46.kodokhaihaihai shakehand

selesai disini, setelah perjalanan 2 tahun lamanya

urutan/giliran sesuai dengan yg ada list Embarrassment

*Frown = batal
* Wowcantik = cewe
* present = dvd
* shakehand: = sdh terima
* linux2 = giliran berikutnya

yg mo ikutan musti jawab kuisioner dulu Smilie tp sebelumnya harus ngepost '' saya mau ikutan arisan donk Malu'' harus seperti itu Big Grin
oh ya yg merasa prh isi kuisioner trus pgn ikutan pm/vm ya, maap klo klewat,humas jg seorang manusia biasa Embarrassment


Quote:Original Posted By achilles â–º
- batas megang DVD gua kasih waktu 4 hari dimulai pas nerima, abis itu harus dikirim ke urutan berikutnya

why : biar ga pada nunggu lama, 4 hari gue rasa cukup'lah buat merkosa tu DVD

- setiap yg nerima DVD harus ngabarin kesini kalo DVD udah diterima

- urutan terakhir wajib ngirim balik ke merlin (nanda)

why : biar adil, semua'nya copy, semua'nya ngerip, semuanya ngirim.

- Tolong bertanggung jawab dijaga kondisi DVD buat archive, itu ngga gampang ngumpulin lagu² post rock ampe bergiga - giga. dulu susah buat nyari resource donlot

satu lagi wat yg dah nerima tolong diposting dimari (laporan maksudnya)Cool
ama difoto sekalian (WAJIB!! Cool)
ntar bekas postingan bakal gw taro di list namanya, sebagai bukti aja prh nerima Smilie

Official Tees of Postrockerzs :

Spoilerfor black:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 201

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 202

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 203

*kaos 30s
sablon rubber

Spoilerfor grey:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 204

SOLD Peace

horeee dapet page one Big Grin

share 3 album barunya (2011) Álfheimr aja dehh...

What Allows Us To Endure
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 207

Tempest - Amaranthine Strings Part I
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 208

Still, We Hope
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 209

download di bandcamp...
enjoy! Smilie

rumah baru \Big Grin/

posrok ganti rumahSelamat

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 213

She's So Heavy Split 7 Inch Vinyl

She's So Heavy is a split EP by Japanese artists Wata (Boris) and Ai Aso.
It was released in 2007 by Diwphalanx Records on 7" and limited to 1500 copies.
The 7" comes with a 60 page full color photo book.
Ai Aso's song is a King Crimson cover from the album Islands.
Wata's side is a cover of a Masashi Kitamura song.

Track listing

Ai Aso
"Islands" (Robert Fripp, Peter Sinfield) - 5:44
"Angel" (Masashi Kitamura) - 6:17


Side A
Ai Aso - vocals, mellotron
You Ishihara - guitar
Souichiro Nakamura - drums

Side B
Wata - vocals, lead guitar
Michio Kurihara - guitar
Souichiro Nakamura - mellotron
Takeshi - bass
Atsuo - drums, percussion

biar jadul cuman okehNgacir

masih dapet lahan kah??Roll Eyes (Sarcastic):
ternyata masih tohEmbarrassment
long live Experimental Music!!!!Metal:

Spoilerfor maho:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 218

assseeekkk rumaah baruuu...

selamat rumah barunyaSelamat

ijin ninggalin jejak ya gan... di rumah yang baruSmilie

Quote:History of L A K I:

byk yg nanya L A K I itu apa sih?

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 224

tp udh clear dr empu-nya xob Embarrassment

Quote:Original Posted By indra88 â–º
sebelon bobo siang Ngacir


Iga Massardi:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 227
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 228

Quote:Original Posted By postrockerz â–º
eh, ada yang ketinggalanKagets

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 230
nge-date with MONO

waktunya bobok Ngacir

Quote:Original Posted By indra88 â–º
nemu jg.. taro sini ah Stick Out Tongue
wat wall of fame Embarrassment

2 tahun yg lalu...

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 234

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 235

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 236

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 237

nge-date with I Am David Sparkle Smilie

Quote:Original Posted By rayculz â–º
Akhirnya .... kita bisa salaman neh mor \Big Grin/
setelah sekian lama yah siul:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 241

groundfloater | achilles | rayculz

Quote:Original Posted By postrockerz â–º
kayanya postrockerznya lebih komplit yang di foto ini deh. Lebih banyak orangnya cystgcystg

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 244

Quote:Original Posted By dananginthesky â–º
I Love Kaskusfoto keluarga postrockerz indonesia I Love Kaskus

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~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 248

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 249

Quote:Original Posted By postrockerz â–º
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 250


Quote:Grebek MONO!!!

Quote:Original Posted By kornymf â–º
iya deh..

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 252

yeahh.. Thx bang machetenorris Ngakak
itu jg judulnya bikin ngakak Ngakak untung bkn mono... Shutup U know lah Malu (S)


Btw ntn tu video diulang2 pk lagu2 mono bikin tambah galau ma mono MewekHammer

..dan syit!! Gw lupa nulis alamat forum di dalem kaos!!! Frown mono liburan gini kan pasti punya byk wkt luang wat browsing2.. #sotoy Hammer
Ky idenya si @benji_mozart grebek mono part 2 yg akhirnya kg jd terealisasi.. #monoisgohome Turut Berduka

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 263

biarpun mono jg gk ngarti apa tu galau & gak l a k i Ngakak

sdikit tambahan dan sedikit crita dr perjalanan Smilie
yg terekam kamera sy,@arsakura @rayculz

Spoilerfor makan2 + narsis didpan hotel mono :d:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 266

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^^..dan smua berawal dr makan2 dolo disebuah warung makan dkt balai kartini klo kg salah Embarrassment pukul: 11:30 an lebih klo gk salah Smilie

v lanjut..
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 270

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^^ yg moto masa gk kpoto Ngakak (S)
ni jam 1 kurang klo gk salah.. Abis makan2 dulu di sbuah warung makan.. Abis pd sakit hati di is go home ma bodyguard tau sape tuh yg ky kong king badannya NohopeHammer Lebih gede badan-nya dr @penjahatfashion Stick Out Tongueeace: Hammer

Tdnya dikasih opsi ma tu bodyguard,klo mao perwakilan satu org.. Jgn smua.. Kt tu bodyguard klo nggak ya mohon maav kita usir Frown
tp ya gimana kita postrockerz kan brotherhood.. Wkwkw ky judul tritnya :d langsung aja klo 1 org gk bs.. Smua-nya ya gk usah,hehe..Embarrassment <--- Cool

Abis di is go home kan tp pr postrockerz pd gk patah semangat karena abis makan2 lanjut konvoi ke hotelnya :d yup.. Follow the map #masihniat

disini adegannya lucu nih (x: Dpan hotel) ada x 15 or 20 menit mungkin kita planga-plongo nungguin mono dtng,coz baca tuit trakhir paman ryann ktnya lg pd hangout :d

gk tau-nya... Hammer

Spoilerfor serah terima kaos gak l a k i :hammer::

.... Mono lg makan2 di lobby hotel smbl nonton bola :d klo kg salah match jerman lawan sapa gitu :d ini smua berkat @rashalgul nyari rokok kedpan,nanya ma satpam kira2 bgini:

@rash: Pak mo beli rokok/korek dimana yah?
@security: Didpan mas, eh mas itu band mana sih?
@rash: Oh itu band jepang pak.. Lah udh sampe blom yah td?
@security: Oh itu lg di lobby ntn bola :d
@rash: Hammer

^^ klo gk salah ya, coz die sendiri yg nanya..
Cmiiw @rashalgul

yup,lg ntn bola taunya mereka :d
yak langsung aja kita samperin mereka dgn modal nekat... Cool
Terlihat mono sm sesepuh dr stard lg pd ngobrol2 n makan disitu Belo Karna kita sbg postrockerz punya etika jd balik lg kluar..Embarrassment gk enak lah Embarrassment istilahnya gk sopan gitu loh..Embarrassment <--#azek

ya om ray akhirnya berkonsultasi sm kita2... Dan diputuskan gw,ray sm om kero_copy nemuin pamanryann ke meja makan Smilie

blom smp kesana pamanryann dan satu org temenya ngajak taka kluar dr lobby hotel Belo
Gw kira tdnya mo diajak keatas smua itu mono,abis kecapean Mewek:, tau-nya... Mewek

si taka mo ngerokok diluar :d
langsung aja om ray sbg ts rayu2 si paman.. Yup.. Paman ngasih kita waktu wat ngobrol2 ma mono.. (senangnya Genit: Thx paman! :d/)

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 294

^^aseekk nih gayanya.. :d

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 295

^^ yup seperti diliat td di video om korny, om ray lg berbincang2 sm taka :d

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 296

^^ sesi serah trima kaos gk l a k i dr ts om ray ke taka :d #azek

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 297

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 298

^^ yup..seperti terlihat td si taka jd Kagets Liat dikaosnya ada quote mono :d
''thousand paper cranes + burung origami'' Big Grin

ray: A thousand paper cranes.. Big Grin
taka: Wow..!!! Kagets
Ray: *nunjukin paper cranes
taka: Fly away....lenny kravitz hahahahahaha Big Grin
smuanya: Ngakak (S)

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 305

^^ asli nih taka dipanggung gahar abis tp klo diluar becanda2 gitu,yup biar cuman 1/2 jam mungkin ngobrol2 ma mono, ramah bgt.. :d (si pamanryann pasti lebih ngerti lg luar dalemnya mereka :d)

yup si taka ngucapin makasih byk ke kita udh ngasih suvenir ke mono :d

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 306

^^ bg yg blum tau, tuh pamanryann yg sebelah kanan taka ma tamaki,sebelah kiri yg bule tuh joris salah satu manajernya mono dia yg jg megang jesu sm isis dll Smilie


Spoilerfor foto keluarga postrockerz kaskus + mono and joris:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 308

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 309

thanks mono! Mewek
we hope to see you again next year.. Mewek

yg jelas sy pribadi dan rekan2 postrockerz skalian ngucapin terima kasih banyak wat @pamanryann
udh ngasih kita waktu buat minjem MONO sebentar..ngobrol2 + ntn si takada maen gamelan.. Hehe.. Stick Out Tongueeace: Makasih paman..Kiss (S)

yup.. Smoga impian smua kawan2 disini trmasuk stardpro jg, bs bawa mono lg taun depan + orchestra-nya yah Smilie

amienn.. Smilie

Quote:Original Posted By indra88 â–º
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 316

^^dpt salam dr message to bears :d
tp kurang embel2 kaskus tuh.. Gw suruh postrockerz kaskus padahal..Frown
tpp gpp deh.. Big Grin


Quote:Original Posted By indra88 â–º
*ehm* Wowcantik
dapet salam sakral nih dr mbak drone goddess, Sarah Lipstate (Noveller) Kiss (S)

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 322

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 323

kya kya kya...!! Genit: I Love Indonesia (S)

Spoilerfor modyarr:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 326

... Embarrassment

kya kya kya... Genit:




Quote:Original Posted By luffy88 â–º

and for mrs. Noveller or others musician, somehow silent reader @ this thread, please just register and post here, always warm welcome for any postrockerz from any places in this world Angkat Beer

+1 Add Friend (S)

poke @sarahlipstate Kiss (S)I Love Indonesia (S)

Quote:Original Posted By ispellitnature â–º
Hello Kaskus!

We have finally released our first full length album "A Story Of..."!!

Digital copies can be purchased on:

Physical copies and T-shirts can be purchased on:

We love you all Indonesia! Thanks for the support!

I Spell It Nature

ooo yeahhh!! Big Grin
Congratulations Greg..!! Selamat

Salam Sakral..!! Angkat Beer

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 337

Grebek Mogwai !!!

Quote:Original Posted By jonas â–º
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 338

Quote:Original Posted By indra88 â–º
ahahayy... Big Grin*akhirnya bisa selonjoran linux2*

oleh2 dr Mogwai Bandung yes! Ngacir

Quote:Original Posted By slashgear29 â–º

gara2 baca post lo ga jadi gw upload di FB malah gw upload di youtube,,

mohon maap ya klo gambarnya jelek dan kualitas pengambilannya juga noob parah, lumayan sempit sih tempatnya, plus ada panitia bolak balik terus

padahal gara2 ngerekam ini gw jadinya cuma dapet 1 foto bareng personel Mogwai, itupun rame2 lagi Mewek

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 343

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~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 345

..dan yg pasti terima kasih byk wat mbak2 Soundshine or FFWD td yah.. Wowcantik yg udh ijinin kita minjem Mogwai biar cuma sebentar.. bantu moto2in jg.. Big Grin yg mas2-nya jg deh.. EmbarrassmentStick Out Tongue

*ky baca2 trit ini aja tu mbak2nya Embarrassment aw aw aw Ngacir

Quote:Original Posted By Sev â–º
oleh-oleh konser Mogwai semalem Big Grin

Spoilerfor Foto dari hape:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 353

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 354

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 355

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 356

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 357

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 358

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 359

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 360

dapet handuknya Barry Big Grin
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 362

ga bisa ikutan grebeg Mogwai, abisnya besoknya mesti kerja Frown(

Quote:Original Posted By indra88 â–º

tambain ah.. Ngacir

yeahhh.. om grounfloater dgn setlistnya! Genit:
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 366

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 367
uhuiii.. ^^ + om achilles dgn stik drum-nya! Genit:
^ + nah tu tangan sapa megang pick warna merah, gk nyadar jg.. Hammer

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 370
ajib nih, harryman dgn anduk bekasnya si om john Genit:, anjrittt.. bau bir anduknya... Big Grin hahaha.. Big Grin

klo sy sih cukup begini...
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 374
^^ si deniesyach muncul Big GrinHammer

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 377
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 378

yup om uki kee... sm om erwin others dan manteman-nya, makasih ya jamuannya sakral-nya Big Grin + laptop wat ngopi2 INNI, hufft 6gb.. males ah gw..Hammer (gk bawa amunisi jg Hammer)

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 382

obrolan yg bner2 luar biasa semalem...!!! Belo

makasih ya DVD-nya,ntar sy masukin ke arisan deh yah, klo dh smp ke Jkt lg DVD arisan-nya Smilie

many thanks bro! Kiss

Quote:Original Posted By superbad â–º
numpang share oleh2 td malem :

ini ajib bangettt

Spoilerfor BWK:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 386

ini vinyl ane ditandatanganin martin ama stuart palkon
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 387

ini ane ama si palkon Big Grin
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 389

Quote:Original Posted By harryman â–º
oleh2 semalem

Spoilerfor mogwai:

ga banyak foto2, sibuk headbang Embarrassment
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 391
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 392

Spoilerfor :

grebeg mogwai
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 393

Grebek Deerhoof !!!

Quote:Original Posted By penjahatfashion â–º
wani piro? Stick Out Tongue

Spoilerfor muahos:

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 395
~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 396

itu postingan "selera music postrockerz" di depan,

kalo diupdate kayaknya keren tuh, Embarrassment

~ Post-Rock &amp;amp; Experimental Music ~ | Brotherhood of The Traveling Treasure 398

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